General - Pre-Sales Questions

The answer is no. Personal Hearing mode in BeHear PROXY works only when you have the earbuds in your ears. Only Bluetooth-streamed audio (from a paired device, such as your mobile phone, television, computer, audio transmitter, gaming console, etc.) will reach your ears in Loudspeaker mode.


  1. As the headset can be connected to two devices at any one time, you need to make sure it’s not currently channeling the audio from any other device you may have connected (iPad/tablet/HearLink, etc.)
  2. In order to make sure your headset is connected to the computer, double-click the speaker icon on the Windows lower menu bar.  computer audio setting for behear assistive hearing headset
    The name that appears should be “BeHear” and not “Speakers”. If you see the name “Speakers” click the ^ (arrow). If the BeHear is connected properly you will be able to see it listed under the list of playback devices. Choose the “Headset” option. computer audio setting for behear assistive hearing headset
  3. When connecting to a desktop / Windows computer, the BeHear headset can appear in two different listings, once as a “Headset” and once as “Headphones”.
  4. Only the “Headset” listing will enable the BeHear microphones to transmit (the “HeadPhones” setting uses BeHear as a speaker only). Try switching between these two options.
  5. If you are using a communication application, such as Skype or Zoom, it is not enough to specify in the computer settings that the BeHear headset should be the audio device. You will also need to specify it in the communication application’s audio settings.