Instructional & Promotional Videos About Hearing

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15 Using the BeHear ACCESS Headphones with Multiple Bluetooth Connections
A great feature of the BeHear headset is the ability to support multiple audio sources simultaneously. For example, you can listen to media on ...
a. HearLink PLUS: Unboxing
If you’ve ever had trouble understanding the dialogue on a TV program you’re gonna love this product! HearLink PLUS is a Bluetooth® transmitter ...
a. Unboxing HearLink Assistive Listening Transmitter
HearLink is a Bluetooth® transmitter that connects directly to the sound output on most standard television sets and other audio devices. ...
BeHear PROXY neck speaker Techstination recorded interview
Alango's BeHear PROXY can be neck worn speakers...or headphones...designed with sophisticated hearing assist technology. Founder Dr. Alexander ...

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